Northbridge MA Police Department

Does Your Home Need Repairs?

Does Your Home Need Repairs?

Town of Northbridge Seeks Input on Proposed Home Repair Program
Does your home need repairs? The Town of Northbridge is considering applying for grant funds
from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development through its
Massachusetts CDBG Program to establish a Housing Rehabilitation Program to provide funding
for residential home repairs to meet energy, life, health, and safety codes. The Town must submit
the grant application to the Department by March 6.
Town officials are looking for input from residents to determine whether there is a need and an
interest in such a program. To weigh in, please take a short survey at:
All responses are kept confidential and will only be used in an application for federal/state grant
funding that would make the home-repair program possible.
The Town is also intending to request CDBG funds to study the property and infrastructure
conditions in the New Village and Rockdale neighborhoods. The findings of this study may
make the Town eligible for additional grant funding in the future.
If residents want to learn more about these projects, they should contact Town Planner R. Gary
Bechtholdt II at (508) 234-2447 or via email at